This morning we did Math. In our Math Review we practiced our subtraction math fact strategy of Count on 1. We learned about Problem Solving and then worked in groups of 3 to solve a problem. Link thought that Math was really fun today and like problem solving. Then we did Writing Workshop and we kept going with our How-Tos. Lots of people have great things that they are writing about, and can teach people about. Carly is writing about how to make cookies. Then we did Reading Workshop and we are back to our regular schedule. Omega loves reading books, so he always enjoys Read to Self. Nadia is reading Harry Potter. After lunch we had music and got to play the harpsichord. After recess we did science. We put a blue ice cube in a cup of room temperature water and observed what happened. Since cold water is more dense than room temperature water, the blue water from the ice cube sank to the bottom.
Razorback playing the harpsichord
Carly playing the harpsichord
Rolias, Bunny, and Flying Shoe during science--Hmmm?
N enjoying science
how cute! this reminds me, we have to come up w/ an idea for the science fair soon! hhmmmmm?